Sunday, July 01, 2007

I Don't Want To Get Out Of Bed

I'm dragging my feet this morning, and I'm going to regret it in about three hours. I should be up "cleaning" my room, before Katrina comes over today. There's not much to clean, thankfully, just take my lemonade glass to the kitchen, and sweep the hardwood floors. But I'm just dragging my feet. Staying up till 2:00 am playing Hand & Foot will do that to a girl.

I am kind of bummed - actually. I am dreading talking with our homeowner, Kathy about moving in, or out, and what's going on with the living situation here. Not that it's overly complicated, I just feel left out. After all, Katrina's talked with Kathy, Nicole & Missy have talked with Kathy, I just haven't had a chance to talk to her, and by the time I will, everyone and their mother that lives in this house will have made their own plans to dominate the world, er, that is move in or out.

I just want to stay. More than anything, I just want to stay put. I don't want to move again, I am so tired of moving. I want stability - I crave it like gooey ice cream. I love this house, despite bats, and rats and mice and squirrels and girl drama. I love that it's kind of old and cute and the vintage charm it holds. I love the location, just 6 blocks from work, and 4 from Hope. I love the price, so affordable! I don't want to move.

But, apparently, everyone else is making their own plans, to move in or out. Nicole & Missy have already begun to make plans to take over the second floor and have it all to themselves. With Angie getting married soon, they can do just that - if I'm out. I guess I could move up to the third floor apartment, I would like that really, despite the increase in rent. Now, the only question would be if Kathy would want me to or if she already has someone pegged for up there.

Urgh, I hate days like this. Days I would much rather roll over and go back to sleep, instead of dealing with everything that needs to be done. Days when I just would rather stick my head in the sand and hum loud enough to pretend I don't hear the outside world. I just don't want to get out of bed. Why can't I just stay in bed?

1 comment:

Special K said...

I hear ya' on the rolling over and staying in bed thing, but after such an awesome afternoon, aren't you glad you got up?!

p.s. your closet wasn't thaaaaaat bad-just pretty hilarious!