Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Zip Line

Yeah, I did it, I did the Zip Line! After some prodding and a little encouragement, I decided to do it, and knew I couldn't back down. Really, it didn't take much, just the desire not to let my fears stop me from having fun and bonding with the family. Oh yeah, and the desire to prove to both myself and maybe certain others (especially after a miserable rock climbing fit) that I can conquer my fear of heights!

So, after a hay ride up the hill, and a bunch of daisies from Hannah Runyon, I hiked the hill, climbed the tree (not as bad as I thought it would be), and endured the wait on the platform while Peter strapped me in and asked me twenty million questions. By the time I was done up there, I just wanted OFF that platform!

Then off I zipped, flying through the air, spinning, and landing on my knees!! I have never shaken that bad in my life, but it was so exhilarating. I literally was still trembling a half hour later.

I want to go again! Zip Line here I come!!

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