Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Marcus the produce god (aka: things I wish I could say out loud)

It has been forever since I saw you - only just that one time. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and it was late. Eleven thirty late. You were in the produce section, doing God knows what to the veggies. Lucky cukes. I was contemplating the finer points of shallots. And you convinced me that shallots and garlic were quite necessary for my Autumn Panzanella. I fell hard that night, for your culinary knowledge and easy smile made it impossible not to. I finished my shopping and made two excuses to return to the produce section. Really, I had no intentions of taking clementines to Thanksgiving, and I knew just where to check for Brussells Sprouts. But I would have bought forty dollar mangosteens just to have you give me directions to another store. Your directions were flawless by the way. I must have looked so clumsy and neurotic - *sigh*. What has happened to you? I have looked for you, on the rare occasion I'm grocery shopping past ten at night. I haven't seen you since that fateful autumn night. Even if I were to see you, would you really do anything but offer me great customer service? Would there be any sweeping off the feet in front of the bagged salads? Any passionate, stolen kisses in the organic section? I wonder, that's all I can do, is wonder. Marcus, the Produce god - I called two girlfriends that night to sing your praises. Really, they need an update. Where are you?

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Yes, I really do need an update. How are you doing?