Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time For A Disclaimer, Before The Mess II

Because I realize that these go in revese chronological order, here's the same message I posted earlier. Forgive the repetition.

Holy cow. It’s time for a disclaimer. The following three blog posts actually started off as one post. But because it was about seven or eight pages in Word, I figured I’d spare everyone involved the pain of reading the next great American diatribe, and split them up into the three following posts.

The first post, herein, talks about a few books I’ve read lately – well namely two of them, and of how I feel about marketed Christianity.

The next post is all about God’s amazing creation/redemption plan and a few pics/inspirational tidbits I got from my recent Colorado Trip with the awesomely hilarious FBC Youth Group.

The last one is about an upcoming Free Concert, to benefit Jarkartan street kids, with a little bit of the responsibility that comes along with a Christ-driven social gospel (for lack of a better word) thrown in for good measure.

Whew. Thank you for reading my blog. I’m sorry I talk so much. I have lot to say!

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