Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Word About Autism - Please Read!

“Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people could change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

.... I've officially set up my team, on the MN Walk For Autism 09 site We are the Rushmore Runners. Last year we were "RU@MtRushmore?" but I had to constantly explain the history behind the name. In case you didn't catch it the first ten times, here it is:

When my 8 year old nephew Nathan, the high functioning Autistic wunderkind, was studying Geography in his classroom, my mom got him one of those kids placemats that has the map of the continental US on it. Along with each state was a little icon representing what it was famous for. NY had the Statue of Liberty, Wisconsin had a block of cheese, Texas had a big electric chair, and South Dakota had a little illustration of Mt. Rushmore. Sadly, MN had nothing in it's state, but then again, that's before Al Franken was our Senator because I'm sure had they just waited, a picture of Stuart Smalley would've fit perfect in there. Though, if that holds true, why not Jesse Ventura. But I digress. Anyways, somehow Nathan got it into his head that I lived in South Dakota, or specifically, at Mt. Rushmore. So every time I'd talk to him on the phone, he'd ask me "Are you at Mount Ruuuusshhhmore?" He'd draw the words out, in this charming little way, and in complete sincerity never believe me when I would tell him no, I live in Minnesota, you know, just northeast of it, next to the cheese.

So, last year, when I signed up to Walk For Autism, and I had to name my team, I knew that I had to somehow represent this little dude's fascination with Mt. Rushmore. So, RU@MtRushmore? it was. This year, in the spirit of something different, we're the Rushmore Runners.

So, please, please, please if you get a chance, check out our webpage, and learn more about this unpredictable, uncontrollable epidemic striking today's children, and how you can help. Remember, 1 out of every 150 children develops Autism. Somehow, those numbers are higher for boys, too.... 1 out of every 94 boys! That's more than pediatric cancer, childhood diabetes and AIDS combined. Every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with Autism. And right now, there is no cure!!

If you'd like to join me, as I walk to raise awareness and support, please sign up to be on my team. It would mean the world to me to know that others believe in this cause as much as I do and want to help. If you can't walk, please make a contribution on my page - every little cent counts towards putting an end to this widespread Neurological disorder affecting innocent children. Maybe I won't ever see you at Mt. Rushmore, but hopefully, on September 26th, at the MN Walk Now For Autism in Canterbury Park, I'll see you there!

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